Historylinks Archive

Bargain Suppliers Ltd Clothing Catalogue

Bargain Suppliers Ltd Clothing Catalogue

Date Added: 01 May 2019 Year: 1946 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2018_055_55 | Picture No: 13911

A paper Bargain Suppliers Ltd Government Suplus Clothiers Catalogue, printed on 1 x grey, 2 x red and 1 xgreen, lengthways folded paper to form 16 pages, containing a whole range of coats, e.g. American Officer's Raincoats, trousers, e.g. Khaki A.R.P. (Air Raid Precaution) Derby Tweeds, Jet Pilot Suits, Khaki Angora Wool Shirts etc etc. An order form, printed on white paper is enclosed for details of items required, to be sent to Bargain Suppliers Ltd, 22 Ensign Street, London E.1. with Cash, PO (Postal Order) or Cheque with order through post or C.O.D (Cash on Delivery)

Dimensions: Length258 mm - Width 120 mm


Form Goes Here