Small size Holy Bible
Date Added: 24 April 2019
Year: 1925
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2018_055_03 | ▶
Picture No: 13857
Small sized family Bible. The inside cover records 'Roddie died on Monday 26th July 1965. Funeral Wednesday 28th at Creich'. The first page has annotations in pencil '2/6 20/6' and inscription 'My Dear Husband who passed away on Saturday 16th June 1928 at quarter to 12 midday. Funeral on Tuesday 19th at 12 oclock Midday.
There is a further inscription ' Uncle Alick died on Saturday ( crossed through) Friday 30th May 1958.
The Bible was published by Collins under licence 'Seventh day of July nineteen hundred and twenty-two''.
Dimensions: Length141 mm - Width 890 mm depth27mm
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