Demolition of Abatttoir Site April 2015
Date Added: 17 June 2015
Year: 2015
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2015_017_01 | ▶
Picture No: 12215
First of a series of nine photographs recording the demolition of the Dornoch Abatttoir site, between Shore Road and Castle Lane Dornoch, which took place during the month of April 2015. The site had buildings of various construction and height (see picture #4879) and was not only an eyesore but the source of obnoxious smell, particularly in warm months. It went through a chequered history of operation and latterly was operative for a short period of c 5 years, closing in 2013. The proposals for the site include a much welcomed coach park, new public toilets, a cafe and a 40 unit accommodation building for the Dornoch campus of the University of the Highlands and Islands
Dimensions: jpeg file
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