Historylinks Museum Open Day Sat 2 May 2015
Date Added: 21 May 2015
Year: 2015
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2015_014_03 | ▶
Picture No: 12203
Extract from Village Craic of the Northern Times of Friday April 24, 2015 with the title 'Dornoch Open Day', reporting the Historylinks Open Day on Saturday 2 May 2015 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m with free entry. In addition to marking the start of the new season, the article highlights recognition of a need to show many local people the changes to the museum in the past few years. In addition to the Northern Times report, publicity extended to a leaflet drop to households in Dornoch and poster displays in the town
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