Historylinks Archive

Kipling's Debt to Skibo Castle cellar

Kipling's Debt to Skibo Castle cellar

Date Added: 16 July 2013 Year: 2013 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2013_079 | Picture No: 11728

Copy of a letter to the editor of The Times published on 23rd April 2013 from William Thomson, great-grandson of Andrew Carnegie, the Old Manse, Creich, Sutherland. The letter confirms that Rudyard Kipling stayed at the Oldf Manse, Creich, during the summer of 1899, together with his father and the painter Sir Philip Burne-Jones. Sir Philip sent two pen sketches to Andrew Carnegie at Skibo showing the three of them enjoying the national beverage of whisky. Carnegie had these framed and they are now in the Old Manse. The writer of the letter states that while this does not prove that Kipling's novel 'Kim' was written at Creich it would be nice to think so

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