Treasure Trove objects from Pitgrudy - Spindle whorl
Date Added: 29 December 2012
Year: 1400
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2010_075_10 | ▶
Picture No: 11494
Treasure Trove objects from Pitgrudy Field 4 found by metal detection and acquired by the Inverness Museum & Art Gallery. A flawed casting of a decorated spindle whorl, it presumably would have been melted down to be re-used. This design of tiny raised pellets was popular in the medieval period on both whorls and lead tokens. Dim: dia: 32 mm, hole 0.93mm, wt: 23.5g..© Inverness Museum Inverness Museum Catalogue 2008.036.020
Dimensions: jpeg file
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