Group photograph taken in a garden late 19th early/20th century
Date Added: 26 September 2012
Year: 1880
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2012_037_02 | ▶
Picture No: 11265
Monochrome group photograph in garden with floral displays – dated late 19th/early 20th – pre 1906.
Standing at back - Gillespie; John Bell; Fred Nicholson; Lily McCulloch; not named; not named (same as the girl not named next to Mary Ann Bridgeford in 2012.037.01); Sergt. Menzies; Georgie Bridgeford; Dr Grant (Minister)
Ladies seated on chairs in the front not named but they appear to be wearing the same clothes as in 001. Mena Neill is recognizable in both.
1st left Maggie Bridgeford; Jessie Gillespie; Teenie Thompson; Mena Neill; Lizzie Gilliespie
Seated in front from left Sophia Bridgeford; Mary Ann Bridgeford; Harriet Neill; not known
Dimensions: jpeg file
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