'The Achavrail Armlet' found near Rogart 1901
Date Added: 13 March 2012
Year: 1904
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2012_007_11 | ▶
Picture No: 11009
Extract of page 466 of 'Proceedings of the Society April 11 1904', page 234 of 'Early Celtic Art in North Britain Vol 1-2 M MacGregor 1976 and 'Treasures for the Nation: Conserving our Heritage' 1988 all concerning a massive bronze armlet of 'folded type' which became known as 'The Achavrail Armlet' all found at Achavrail near Rogart in 1901 by a crofter when ploughing.
Dimensions: A4
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