Historylinks Archive

Vellum document relating to James MacBeath of Dornoch 1731

Vellum document relating to James MacBeath of Dornoch 1731

Date Added: 01 February 2012 Year: 1731 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2012_001_01 | Picture No: 10677

Vellum document dated 1731 relating to a land transaction involving James MacBeath of Dornoch. A partial translation of the script reads:

" Notary Public all command of the foresaid Bonate Neilson who cannot write as he affirmed ... James... John Slidrie witness Lanwick Grant ... London Lincolns Inn ... After Herelable stale & seafine call actual and peaceable profession of all and hail .....James Macbeth. The forsaid right and disposition and precepts of seafine at ....and Blair Inn contained on all possible
The said Patrick Dunbar as attorney fore and in name and behalf forsaid .....
and twixt the hours of three and four in the afternoon of the day month year of God ....and William McFernilor to John Barclay Merchant in Dornoch witnesses to the presents special

Att Fortross the second day of August ..and thirtyone years betwixt the hours of ten and eleven
Forenoon the Sabine at written pertaining to James McBeth & designed was presented by

Patrick Hay Burges of Fortross and registered in the particular register of sessions renounces

...ations reversions and other writs of Inverness Sutherland and Cromarty sherrif Baillie Notary Public Deputy for ...by My Hugh Dallas Notary Public
confirm to his commission from the Lord Clerk for that effect and in the eighth
Bolun and five hundred and thirty first and five hundred and thirty second leaves of the same
Conform to the act of Parliamont sixteen hundred and seventeen hundred and ninety three

Signed Alexander Bailie Esq"

[Use left pointing arrow adjacent to Cat No. above for a complementary explanatory letter from Malcolm Bangor-Jones giving further details about James MacBeath]

Dimensions: Length 505mm - Width 428mm


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