Rod Munro, brother of Catherine Munro, playing golf in uniform
Date Added: 17 July 2011
Year: 1916
Institution Name: dnhhl
Cat No: ◀ | 2011_070_06 | ▶
Picture No: 10313
Monochrome photograph of Roderick Munro, brother of Catherine Munro, playing golf in Dornoch in uniform during WW1. Margaret Munro was his niece
Dimensions: jpeg file
A family member has let us know that the uniform that Roderick Munro is wearing is that of the Duke of Westminster Infantry Regiment.
Comment left on 09 October 2012 at 14:40 by Administrator
Catherine Munro lived at Roseville, North Street, Dornoch with her husband Donald (Danny) Munro. Catherine was a Munro before she married. Catherine is one of Roderick's older siblings. Please see more information on Rod and Catherine's family from Well Street on No: 10316. Margaret (Rod's niece) lived in Roseville with her parents Danny and Catherine Munro. Margaret was one of Catherine's nine children. Roderick did emigrate to Canada and Margaret is his niece from her Mother's Catherine side of the family. Catherine and Danny Munro are my Grandparents and Roderick is my Great Uncle.
Comment left on 18 June 2015 at 20:33 by Sandra Wilson (Munro)
I have a Munro line in my family tree and wonder if these gentleman are family. 6xgreat-grandparents John Munro and Mary Ann Sutherland, 5x - John Munro (1779-1863) and Catherine MacKay (-1831). They had 10 children. My 4x greatgrandmother was their daughter Marion Munro. The Munro's in my family were crofters on Embo Street.
Comment left on 18 May 2019 at 14:21 by Elizabeth Sutherland Murray
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