Historylinks Archive

Aerial photograph of the western side of Dornoch

Aerial photograph of the western side of Dornoch

Date Added: 16 December 2010 Year: 1978 Institution Name: dnhhl Cat No: | 2010_086_02 | Picture No: 10008

Colour aerial photograph of the western side of Dornoch with the Cathedral at the upper right edge. The photograph is mounted in a card folder with the initials LGL on the front.

Dimensions: Length 205 mm - Width 152 mm


Surely this must be later than 1960 I left the town in 1964 and the two houses top left of the photograh on the Poles road had not been built by then

Comment left on 17 December 2010 at 22:36 by Dan Murray Many thanks for your comment, yes the photograph is later and was taken around 1978. I have amended the date here and on the Museum catalogue. Administrator
I played football on this pitch for various Dornoch teams late fifties up to 1964 and we changed in the old nissan huts to the left of the picture the present changing room centre picture was not added until at least after 1966 Comment left on 12 January 2011 at 16:27 by Dan Murray
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