Historylinks Archive

Scout Troop Leader in full uniform less headdress Pic 5237: Scout Troop Leader in full uniform less headdress Groop of Patrol leaders and Seconds Pic 5238: Groop of Patrol leaders and Seconds Scout group photograph Pic 5239: Scout group photograph Scout camp morning inspection Pic 5241: Scout camp morning inspection Scout leaders conducting morning inspection Pic 5242: Scout leaders conducting morning inspection Washing at scout camp Pic 5243: Washing at scout camp Scouts preparing rhubarb at camp Pic 5244: Scouts preparing rhubarb at camp Petition for alterations to St Gilbert's Lodge Pic 5275: Petition for alterations to St Gilbert's Lodge Dornoch heritage Society Report 1998 - Dornoch's History Pic 5279: Dornoch heritage Society Report 1998 - Dornoch's History Burns night 25th January 1924  programme Pic 5280: Burns night 25th January 1924 programme Scouts camping in woodland Pic 5289: Scouts camping in woodland Scouts wrapped in blankets beside track Pic 5290: Scouts wrapped in blankets beside track Scouts climbing in snow Pic 5291: Scouts climbing in snow Scouts in camp Pic 5292: Scouts in camp Scouts at a camp fire in a woodland setting Pic 5293: Scouts at a camp fire in a woodland setting Scouts swimming Pic 5294: Scouts swimming Group of scouts at a woodland camp site Pic 5295: Group of scouts at a woodland camp site Scouts lining up for food at camp Pic 5296: Scouts lining up for food at camp Group of scouts at camp Pic 5297: Group of scouts at camp Misty scene of scout camp Pic 5298: Misty scene of scout camp Scouts in roped off camp kitchen area Pic 5299: Scouts in roped off camp kitchen area Scouts walking up mountain track Pic 5300: Scouts walking up mountain track Group of scouts with their leader Pic 5301: Group of scouts with their leader Portrait photograph of a boy later to become a scout Pic 5302: Portrait photograph of a boy later to become a scout