Historylinks Archive

Account owed to A Ross by J R Gilchrist 1892 Pic 127: Account owed to A Ross by J R Gilchrist 1892 Hand carved chair Pic 1003: Hand carved chair The Sutherland Chair Pic 7233: The Sutherland Chair 'Take a Seat' Pic 7234: 'Take a Seat' Traditional Sutherland and Caithness chairs Pic 7237: Traditional Sutherland and Caithness chairs Knife boxes made by Donald Calder Pic 7667: Knife boxes made by Donald Calder Joiner's Toolbox Pic 8216: Joiner's Toolbox William Sutherland's chair Pic 8225: William Sutherland's chair Sutherland Chair Pic 8227: Sutherland Chair Traditional Sutherland and Caithness chairs Pic 9449: Traditional Sutherland and Caithness chairs Airneis Tuath Pic 9484: Airneis Tuath Carved wooden chair Pic 16015: Carved wooden chair