Historylinks Archive

Letter re. tennis and bowling clubs 1924 Pic 9874: Letter re. tennis and bowling clubs 1924 Request for salary increase 1924 Pic 9875: Request for salary increase 1924 Invitation to Cathedral septcentenary service 1924 Pic 9876: Invitation to Cathedral septcentenary service 1924 Telegram re. meeting with Mrs. Carnegie 1924 Pic 9877: Telegram re. meeting with Mrs. Carnegie 1924 Letter re. pathway at Bishopfield 1924 Pic 9878: Letter re. pathway at Bishopfield 1924 Letter re. late payment housing scheme 1924 Pic 9879: Letter re. late payment housing scheme 1924 Letter re. late payment housing scheme 1924 Pic 9881: Letter re. late payment housing scheme 1924 Will of William Munro 1950 Pic 9882: Will of William Munro 1950 Bond by Douglas Fasham 1951 Pic 9883: Bond by Douglas Fasham 1951 Feu charter in favour of Annie Ross 1946 Pic 9884: Feu charter in favour of Annie Ross 1946 Change of ownership A.H. Lewis to S.M. Macgregor 1949 Pic 9885: Change of ownership A.H. Lewis to S.M. Macgregor 1949 Notice of title in favour of Margaret Munro and Christina Macleay 1952 Pic 9886: Notice of title in favour of Margaret Munro and Christina Macleay 1952 Agreement with cleansing contractor 1953 Pic 9887: Agreement with cleansing contractor 1953 Feu charter in favour of George Sutherland 1951 Pic 9888: Feu charter in favour of George Sutherland 1951 Feu charter in favour of David Mackay 1951 Pic 9889: Feu charter in favour of David Mackay 1951 Simon Bain, town crier 1950s Pic 9890: Simon Bain, town crier 1950s Assignation of lease by Christina Calder 1957 Pic 9891: Assignation of lease by Christina Calder 1957 Draft Council budget 1956/57 Pic 9892: Draft Council budget 1956/57 Feu charter in favour of Hugh Munro 1957 Pic 9893: Feu charter in favour of Hugh Munro 1957 Feu disposition in favour of Alexander Mackay 1958 Pic 9894: Feu disposition in favour of Alexander Mackay 1958 Plan of slaughterhouse extension 1958 Pic 9895: Plan of slaughterhouse extension 1958 House at 11 Bishopsfield 1924 Pic 9896: House at 11 Bishopsfield 1924 Draft Council budget 1957/58 Pic 9897: Draft Council budget 1957/58 Renunciation of lease by Christina Calder 1957 Pic 9898: Renunciation of lease by Christina Calder 1957