Historylinks Archive

Site of St Michael's Well Pic 840: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 841: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 842: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 843: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 844: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 845: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 846: Site of St Michael's Well Interpretation panel for St Michael's Well Pic 847: Interpretation panel for St Michael's Well Old post box in High Street Pic 848: Old post box in High Street Old post box in High Street Pic 849: Old post box in High Street Old post box in High Street Pic 850: Old post box in High Street Old post box in High Street Pic 851: Old post box in High Street Old post box in High Street Pic 852: Old post box in High Street Old post box in High Street Pic 853: Old post box in High Street St Michael's Well and old post box in High Street Pic 854: St Michael's Well and old post box in High Street Dornoch War Memorial Pic 864: Dornoch War Memorial Dornoch War Memorial and Muslim soldiers Pic 865: Dornoch War Memorial and Muslim soldiers Application from Dr J MacLachlan Pic 874: Application from Dr J MacLachlan Appointment of James MacLachlan as Sheriff Substitute Pic 890: Appointment of James MacLachlan as Sheriff Substitute Thank you card from Andrew Carnegie Pic 891: Thank you card from Andrew Carnegie Report of Dornoch Tercentenary celebrations Pic 895: Report of Dornoch Tercentenary celebrations Dornoch Town Council members, c.1930, outside Royal Golf Hotel. Pic 905: Dornoch Town Council members, c.1930, outside Royal Golf Hotel. Dornoch Pipe Band c. 1920s Pic 906: Dornoch Pipe Band c. 1920s Dornoch Pageant 1928 Pic 917: Dornoch Pageant 1928