Historylinks Archive

Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1912 Pic 7973: Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1912 Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1912 Pic 7974: Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1912 Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1912 Pic 8001: Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1912 Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1913 Pic 8002: Letter from Board of Trade re foreshore ~ 1913 Assignation by John mackintosh in favour of Christina Gunn ~ 1911 Pic 8003: Assignation by John mackintosh in favour of Christina Gunn ~ 1911 Letter from Scottish Office re 10 mph speed limit ~ 1912 Pic 8004: Letter from Scottish Office re 10 mph speed limit ~ 1912 Letter from Scottish Office re 10mph speed limit ~ 1912 Pic 8005: Letter from Scottish Office re 10mph speed limit ~ 1912 Letter from Scottish Automobile Club re 10mph speed limit ~ 1912 Pic 8006: Letter from Scottish Automobile Club re 10mph speed limit ~ 1912 Letter to Robert Munro MP re 10mph speed limit ~ 1913 Pic 8007: Letter to Robert Munro MP re 10mph speed limit ~ 1913 The fitting of lamps to fountain ~ 1912 Pic 8008: The fitting of lamps to fountain ~ 1912 Coins found at Proncy Pic 8012: Coins found at Proncy Page torn from a notebook with list of resolutions for the formation of a Tennis and Bowling Club in June 1913 Pic 8014: Page torn from a notebook with list of resolutions for the formation of a Tennis and Bowling Club in June 1913 1st Dornoch Girl Guides parade May 1991 Pic 8025: 1st Dornoch Girl Guides parade May 1991 Bill for hire of steam roller ~ 1913 Pic 8029: Bill for hire of steam roller ~ 1913 Receipt for burgh officer's salary ~ 1913 Pic 8030: Receipt for burgh officer's salary ~ 1913 Bill for renewal of filter bed ~ 1913 Pic 8032: Bill for renewal of filter bed ~ 1913 Receipt for use of horse ~ 1913 Pic 8033: Receipt for use of horse ~ 1913 Highland Railway Company bill ~ 1913 Pic 8034: Highland Railway Company bill ~ 1913 Highland Railway Company bill ~ 1913 Pic 8035: Highland Railway Company bill ~ 1913 Sutherland Arms Hotel bill ~ 1913 Pic 8036: Sutherland Arms Hotel bill ~ 1913 Blacksmith's bill ~ 1913 Pic 8037: Blacksmith's bill ~ 1913 Bill for street lamp repairs ~ 1912 Pic 8038: Bill for street lamp repairs ~ 1912 Bill for repairs at slaughterhouse ~ 1913 Pic 8039: Bill for repairs at slaughterhouse ~ 1913 Bill from C.M.Gillespie, bookseller and stationer, for ballot papers and diary ~ 1913. Pic 8040: Bill from C.M.Gillespie, bookseller and stationer, for ballot papers and diary ~ 1913.