Historylinks Archive

Relocation of Dornoch war memorial Pic 816: Relocation of Dornoch war memorial Relocation of Dornoch war memorial Pic 817: Relocation of Dornoch war memorial Discovery of St Michael's Well 1991 Pic 818: Discovery of St Michael's Well 1991 Site of St Michael's Well Pic 819: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 820: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 821: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 822: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 823: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 824: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 825: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 826: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 827: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 828: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 829: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 830: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 831: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 832: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 833: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 834: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 835: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 836: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 837: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 838: Site of St Michael's Well Site of St Michael's Well Pic 839: Site of St Michael's Well