Historylinks Archive

Children on school playground Pic 12927: Children on school playground Elevated view of Dornoch from the Burghfield Hotel Pic 12928: Elevated view of Dornoch from the Burghfield Hotel Dornoch industrial site Pic 12929: Dornoch industrial site Johnston's Chemist Pic 12930: Johnston's Chemist Ross Public Supply Store Dornoch Pic 12931: Ross Public Supply Store Dornoch Fancy dress parade in Dornoch Pic 12932: Fancy dress parade in Dornoch Dornoch beach from the golf course Pic 12933: Dornoch beach from the golf course Gathering sand from Dornoch beach Pic 12934: Gathering sand from Dornoch beach A boy and girl by the sea Pic 12935: A boy and girl by the sea Golspie school group photograph c 1970 Pic 12936: Golspie school group photograph c 1970 Goup photograph of children and teenagers Pic 12937: Goup photograph of children and teenagers Lonemore road view of Dornoch Pic 12938: Lonemore road view of Dornoch Early motor general goods vehicle Pic 12939: Early motor general goods vehicle Dornoch Castle viewed from the west Pic 12940: Dornoch Castle viewed from the west Northern Scottish Airways biplane at Dornoch Pic 12941: Northern Scottish Airways biplane at Dornoch Castle Street Dornoch looking west Pic 12942: Castle Street Dornoch looking west Castle Street looking east Pic 12943: Castle Street looking east Dornoch seen from Argyle Street Pic 12944: Dornoch seen from Argyle Street Dornoch Cathedral Green and the Square Pic 12945: Dornoch Cathedral Green and the Square Early photograph of Dornoch from the west Pic 12946: Early photograph of Dornoch from the west Castle Street looking west Pic 12947: Castle Street looking west Argyle Street Dornoch Pic 12948: Argyle Street Dornoch Bill Wright milkman with his horse Pic 12949: Bill Wright milkman with his horse Dornoch viewed from the east Pic 12950: Dornoch viewed from the east